Your connected vehicle

Welcome to the era of the connected vehicle

Data may be collected and used by Arval when your vehicle is equipped with a telematics box.

This can either be a box installed by the vehicle manufacturer or a box installed by Arval.

Whether it is the manufacturer's box or that of Arval, the benefits are numerous since connected technology makes it easier to find your vehicle in the event of theft, or to simplify the monitoring and maintenance of vehicles. .

If you would like to know if your vehicle is affected by the collection of data by Arval, contact our Driver Care Service at the following address:


Manufacturer box

More and more vehicles delivered by automobile manufacturers are equipped with a box intended to recover technical data from the vehicle (e.g. mileage counter , next maintenance date, dashboard alerts). We invite you to read the information communicated by the manufacturer on the use of this data in your vehicle's logbook.

As the owner of the vehicle, Arval is likely to use this technical data from and transmitted by the manufacturers.

In this case, you will have received a communication from Arval telling you that we are collecting, or have activated the collection of, personal data via the telematics box.


Arval telematic box

When the words “ Connected Vehicle " appears either in the options list of the order confirmation and/or in the options list of the delivery certificate and/or via a sticker affixed to the driver's window of your vehicle, this is then equipped with a telematics box installed by Arval.

Arval processes the data collected in particular for statistical purposes and in order to improve the management of its vehicles. The information collected thus makes it possible to better understand the use made of vehicles and to offer new, ever more efficient services.


Protection of personal data

The data collected by the boxes is confidential.

To ensure the protection of your personal data, Arval is committed to complying with the applicable regulations regarding the protection of personal data, and in particular Regulation (UE) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (the “GDPR”) and Law No. 7184 of August 1, 2018, as amended, relating to the implementation of the GDPR (hereinafter the “Personal Data Regulation”).

In all cases (native manufacturer box and/or Arval box), Arval collects the data on its own behalf and acts as data controller.

If you would like to know more about how Arval processes and protects your data, we invite you to read our data protection policy at the following link:

If you wish to exercise your rights under the Personal Data Regulations with regard to Arval, you can either send a letter or an e-mail to the following address:

Personal Data Protection Department of Arval Luxembourg SA
2B, rue Nicolas Bové
L-1253 Luxembourg

or complete the form available for this purpose available at:


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The power of a global partner with over 25 years leasing experience, at your side

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Our expert team helps you find the mobility solution that best suits your needs. 

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